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Our Projects in Fighting Erosion & Beautifying

Until recent years, soil erosion was seen as a physical problem and treated mainly with engineering works. Most of these were based on the use of the “contour principle”, the construction of barriers built on or near the contour. Alternatively vegetation or biological measure can be used. Basically, this is done by ensuring that there is sufficient vegetation, either living or dead, left on the surface to protect the soil from the effects of wind and water.

Recently it has become appreciated that erosion is only the symptom of a deeper problem…
Incorrect land use and bad management.

Our demographic growth and the usage of the property has changed and it's impacted the parklands soil and botanicals. 

Friends of Mosholu Parkland advocate for better land usage and management of the 14 terrains to stop erosion, conserve and beautify. 

Project 1. Circle of Friends Garden

This is the beginning of many projects that started last year and picked up again early this spring. East 204th on East Mosholu Parkway South is the center hub for this area that faces a business street. Residents of all ages, backgrounds and economic status sit here to have conversations, lunch, read, listen to music or just think. It began many years ago with the removal of the chess tables that encouraged hanging out and lots of noise. As the diversity grew so did the first renovation of adding the garden. Years passed, soil became dry and erosion began with the over and misuse of the two soil plots. Year 2012 we began with fixing the soil, adding botanicals, bulbs and mulch. The pole and chain was put in by PARKS to help with trespassing. Continues watering, weeding, feeding and fertilizing continues until today. Some plants did not survive  as expected but new ones were planted and are surviving.  Community residents do pick up and yet some do need to get reminded about the litter. It's a great beginning. 

Project 2. Holly Bench Gardens

Thanks to PARKS for helping us with the addition of Bench Gardens on East 205th and Lisbon Place placed April 2013. With the addition of the new building going up across from it, a conversational area was needed to bring this community into the parks. In addition, the three 1929 World Fair benches was a natural fit for this location already paved.  These benches also provide the barrier needed to stop those crossing over the rail & through the landscape disturbing the natural environment and it's trees. Year 2012, two Yoshino trees were planted (with the help of Parks) in the area to begin creating this garden for the benches. Continuos removal of debris and raking in the area, helped prepare for the new garden of part-sun evergreen hollies hyacinth bulbs and later daylily. Still a work in progress this year, this garden helps with the control of erosion on the woodland side and beautifies the area. 

Project 3. Shrub Row Gardens

So this is the "before" picture.

This open area near the wooden benches on the sidewalk, has compacted nutrient-less soil, crabgrass, is a litter for many dogs, and attracts litter. During the summer, the crabgrass grows high, the PARKS weed-whacker comes to cut it down, while hidden debris, dog feces, and chunks of grass fly everywhere. The area is long and takes time to trim down. 

Project in Progress

Shrubs lining the area would put nutrients back into the soil, weed out crabgrass, eliminate the PARKS maintenance in crabgrass trimming, stop dog owners from walking their dogs in the immediate area (due to the protected fencing), deter current shortcut  crossings due to the plantings in front of the guard rail  that lead into the natural landscape thus reducing the overuse of foot traffic which reducing some of the spread of erosion. Picture will be replaced with the "after" of this project. 

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